The "Oldest" AI Company in Williamsburg, founded in 2018. "AI for the people!" is our motto How can AI help you?!

The "Oldest" AI Company in Williamsburg, founded in 2018. "AI for the people!" is our motto How can AI help you?!
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So you have seen ChatGPT and asked it questions? It gave you answers. Is that an AI? Did the Chat ask you if you liked the response? Is that what they do? Are AIs just brown nosers? NO. An AI needs to take action in the world. It needs to buy things, sell things, reach out to people have its own ideas, now you have an AI. Knowledge is not AI. Action is AI.
We can help you by reducing your inflammation? Contact us for new supplements that reduce inflammation. Long term aging problems may be caused by Inflamaging this is inflammation that increases the speed at which you age.
If you made the wrong decision, would your AI correct it for you? Or does your AI do auto corrects that make you angry or laugh? What if your AI Cared about you and wanted to help you? Ask about Truthy, the first AI that actually cares.
Athletes, recovery is key to pushing your limits. Inflammation can hold you back, but it doesn’t have to. Supplements that clinically prove to reduce inflammation, helping you recover faster between competitions. Whether you're hitting the gym or the field, faster recovery means more time training and less time resting. Stay ahead of the game and unleash your full potential .
At Williamsburg AI Institute of Technologies and Training, we do not consider AI to be a computer program, or an algorithm. We see AI as a branch of science that’s focus is on knowledge versus other sciences who may focus on chemicals, atoms, biological life, plant life, oceans, atmosphere. AI is all about knowledge and the complexities of capturing, creating, storing, and applying it to the physical world. The more traditional branches of science, even computer science are well known and accepted, but Artificial Intelligence is not yet recognized as a science and may not be accepted as such. But based on our research, application and design of AI solutions, we have found that thinking of AI as a science for Knowledge is useful construct and has led to discoveries like the minimum calculations needed to find ground truth. Can truth be found? What is truth? Can it be captured, calculated, stored, and applied to the real world. When you try to describe knowledge with the same granularity as describing the movements of planets or the structure of atoms, you start to create a theoretical framework that allows the builders of AI systems to succeed. Not unlike Euclid’s Geometry, new proofs, rules and exact language is needed to describe knowledge as a scientific concept, it is at this point the AI solutions build in computer infrastructure will break through and begin a transformation in utility and productivity.
This concept allows us to create both theoretical and applied branches of AI. In the theoretical branches we can work to define knowledge. What is knowledge? What are the components? How is knowledge different than information, data, truth? Can knowledge be captured? Can it be lost? How do you apply knowledge? How are knowledge and learning related? Are there different forms of learning? Can AIs and people both learn from each other?
AI Systems must have the following components to be successful
Most AI techniques today fall into this feature. Deep Learning, Neural Net, Linear Regression are designed and built to find the features automatically. For this step, the area needs data and computer algorithms and programming to try to discover new features of data that were previously not know.
Think visually about a network of nodes that are relevant to your domain or track that represent years of expertise. Each node has some decision that has to be made, using probabilities to allow one or many nodes to execute next. Among people, this is a physical drawing of decision trees that experts use in their work but will become automated so the expertise can run at scale
There must be a structure designed to capture knowledge from both people, references and even calculations. This is where your Track will place some “original” knowledge for putting the features into the perspective of knowledge.
How does the system understand, receive and become modified with feedback? Think about the Farmers, the Land, the plants, where does their feedback go in the knowledge and how does the feedback influence future decisions ?
Within any system there are events, often a series of events will become problematic or lead to success or have not affect of all. Which event sequences are important to your area? Which event sequences do you “think” might be?
John Vaughan cares about people and believes AI can help people achieve their dreams. John has consulted with businesses and governments throughout the world in nearly every area of operations. Founder Innovator with IBM and Watson, Partnered with University of Maryland on their first AI Institute Proposals to the National Science Foundation. Lead AI transformations at UPS. Community AI Activist with WAIITT Sports to support Athletes. Invented solutions, strategies and has developed some of the best AI solutions and methods in the industry. A true believer in knowing that every problem has a solutions if you just look at it differently. Coined terms like Cognitive Analyst, MiHi, Cognitive Affinity Triangle, The Answer is more Important than the Questions, IEVPL for better data! if nobody asks a question, nobody is listening. First known design of the super intelligence for AI, Coined IRDGR process for Analytics.
Seeing the world in a unique way is a gift, that allows the best scientists to know a solvable problem when they hear about it.
Dreaming big and understanding how experts think, is a skill that only comes with talent. Be the first in the world to achieve excellence in the coolest jobs t "Cognitive Analyst" is one of the most interesting jobs in the last 50 years.
You have been invited to a big deal! Are you ready? Want to do a dry run? Want to have your ideas upgraded? Get your team ready to pitch and win a deal? You will enjoy our creative and instructive support.
Our teams provide a blueprint strategy for your AI solutions that ensures you not only solve key questions, but can build a cognitive pipeline to finally achieve the vision of your project.
Need to understand if AI or other technologies will work on your toughest problems? Ask us to do a Quick Proof! We will let you know if it really works fast!
We know that our clients each have special needs and circumstances. Tell us more about your project, and we will get back to you soon with some ideas of how we can support you in organizing your process and results.